Transportation Changes
- Any transportation changes need to be communicated to in your child’s teacher through a written note.
- Only in an emergency will calls to the office be permitted.
- Review your child’s afternoon transportation with them before leaving the house every morning.
We discourage transportation changes communicated to teachers using ClassDojo or email due to teacher absences, emergency leave, or teachers unable to check messages while teaching.
Bus Transportation
As part of Wilson County’s bus procedures, students will be issued a colored bus tag for their assigned bus.
Light blue tags are also distributed to kindergarten students to identify them easily to ensure they are given extra special care when getting on and off the bus.
Students may not ride another bus that is not their regular assigned bus except in emergency circumstances, and such deviation must be approved by a school administrator and may not cause bus to be overcrowded.
Bus discipline is an issue! Please discuss safety rules with your children– stay in their seats, do not put hands or trash out the window, and be respectful to the driver and others. Students can be suspended off the bus for misbehavior.
For more information, visit Bus Route Lookup and the WCS Parent & Student Handbook.
Car Riders
- Students should be unbuckled and ready to exit their vehicle when in the Zone.
- Students are to wait for the signal from GES staff to exit their cars. “Unload” Sign
- Students will follow the safety guidance of our GES staff.
- “Driver side back seat student riders” should walk to the front of their car to cross in front of their driver
- If your child forgot an item in the car, please drop the item off in our front office.
- Do not call students back to the car after they have exited to the sidewalk!
- Say goodbye to your students as they exit your car, not when you are driving out of the zone (rolling your window down and waving while driving = unsafe!)
- The car rider side door will close at 7:29. If you arrive after this time, you will pull up to park in the front handicap spots, walk your student into the office, and give the reason for the tardy.
- Families must display a current GES car tag to be allowed to pick up students.
- All cars must be put in “park” when in the P-U Zone.
- Cell phone usage is prohibited while in a school zone (TCA 55-8-207).
- Parents are to remain in their vehicles at all times.
- Once your child is in the car, take down the car rider tag.
- Please practice with your children so they can recognize your car and buckle themselves in and out.
Afterschool Vans (Tae-kwon Do, Gynastics, Etc.)
- Off-site Daycares will pick up students at dismissal in front of the school starting at 2:30PM.
- It is the responsibility of the parent to communicate to the correct daycare provider whether or not the child will be attending after-school daycare.
- It is the responsibility of the daycare to take attendance before departing from Gladeville Elementary.
- Daycares are to contact the parent if there are any discrepancies in communication.
- GES staff will escort students to their corresponding daycare vehicles.
Buses are located in the front of the school for both morning arrival and afternoon dismissal.
- Please do not park in the front parking lot between 7:00 am-7:10 am and 2:20 pm-2:40 pm. These are all handicap spots and can only be used for general vehicles for a quick drop-off or pick-up.
- If you need an early dismissal or if you have a scheduled appointment, please use the east side slots.
Students are to either ride the bus
use the car-rider line located on the west side of the school.
- Do not park and the bank or church and walk your student to the school. This is unsafe and causes traffic delays for all other drivers.
- For school-wide events, do not park in the handicapped slots. Do know that our lots fill quickly; plan extra time to park and enter at the front of the school.
Safety first!